Science Matters in Abortion Related TraumaForging a Science-Based Holistic Framework of Women’s Healthcare Programs and Partnerships Impacting Education and Public Policy
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HUSH Documentary – A Liberating Conversation About Abortion and Women’s Health
“Refreshing, if not wholly unprecedented.” – The Rebel
“Discover the truth behind the health information being given to women prior to an abortion is subject to the politics of the people involved. Putting aside ideology, Director and Producer take an honest, scientific look, at the highly disputed and politicized information around abortions’ long-term effects on women’s health. The discoveries they made are not just VITAL to the subject of reproductive healthcare, but also critical to the director’s own life, and integral to the ongoing discussion and progress of women everywhere.”
What has Worldwide Science Revealed about the Impact of Abortion Trauma?
Who We Are, What We Believe
What started in Oregon and Washington is now a growing collaboration of citizen lobbyists, advocates, thought leaders, professionals in the medical, mental health, education and legal fields.
We are an unwavering movement to obtain justice for women of all ages & stages of life with full disclosure of abortion’s risks, complications, and causal links.
We believe in the importance of impacting public policy.
We believe in challenging the status quo narrative in the Women’s Healthcare discussion, advocating for women’s lifelong healthcare and well-being.
What We Know
Best Available Science
Evidence demands that we take a closer look.
The Link between Abortion and Breast Cancer: “There are now 56 studies that show a positive association between abortion and breast cancer, of which 35 are statistically significant.” In 2007, an actuary found that abortion was the greatest predictor of breast cancer incidence in nine European countries…”
Fiscal Impact
The Ultimate cost of “free abortion on demand”
The annual societal economic burden associated with preterm birth in the United States was at least $26.2 billion in 2005 or $51,600 per infant born preterm.*
Education & Consulting
These are unprecedented times.
Policy makers are responding to the best available science relating to abortion’s overall impact.
We educate, coach, and consult through using best available peer reviewed worldwide science, and positive, critical reasoning.
Help us take this message far and wide by becoming a S.M.A.R.T. Angel Investor.
Be a wave in the Tsunami of Truth!
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